Alma Scholarship Recipient
Nadine Labde
I applied for this scholarship in 2021 as a medical student studying at a private university in Queensland. I had finally landed the course of my dreams, but for the first time in my life I had to move out of home and into an independent residence in a new state. It was an enormous transition, as I was living in an unfamiliar city away from family with no support system. There was a huge financial burden associated with transport, necessities, accommodation, multiple quarantines and flights home to Sydney. There was the added challenge of balancing university studies with work and social life. No medical scholarships were offered and there was only a small financial assistance from FEE-HELP. ALMA's semesterly scholarship has eased the burden of some of these expenses and really provided that extra bit of support needed for me to live out my dream! Now I feel I've finally settled in and the journey is much smoother.