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ALMA Education Foundation Scholarships

  1. Purpose for funding eg attending a conference, educational books or materials, further education course

  2. A 500 word essay needs to be submitted detailing:

    1. The purpose of the application

    2. How the scholarship will benefit the applicant in  furthering their education

    3. Outline any personal hardships that might be disadvantaging the applicant

    4. Consequence of not receiving the scholarship 

    5. Health research involving the Lebanese community 

    6. Social impact of the research on our community


  3. What the applicant is currently studying – needs to be in the health area


  4. A CV also needs to be submitted


  5. Applicant must be willing to share their experience and how the scholarship helped          them with ALMA and fellow students wishing to apply for future scholarships and/or          write a brief report to be shared amongst ALMA members/supporters.

All applicants will then be assessed by all foundation board members on their merit with a grade out of 100 which includes

  1. Worthiness of funding requirement eg conference scholarship or educational material

   2. Will the scholarship funding aid the student in their course ie be beneficial


   3. Financial / social hardships that students might be facing 


   4. Academic merit 

Email applications to:


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